Judith Land is an honorable person who believes in truth and doing the right thing. She demonstrates high moral principles and ideals, showing many fine personal qualities of courage, honesty, righteousness, and integrity. There is a sense of purpose and meaning to her story as she passionately drives toward a more satisfying future, giving her readers what they all want—a sense of purpose, meaning and nobility. To rise to this level of professional recognition is a great achievement worthy of admiration.
“Butterflies serve to remind us that adoption is just the beginning of life’s big adventure, not an ending. Remarkably, there is nothing in the early life of a child or a little green caterpillar that gives a hint of the beauty within. With maturity both the child and the caterpiller eventually metamorphose into an entirely new form.” —Judith Land
"I decided to share my adoption story with the world because the topic of adoption resonates with people of all ages in every culture. Knowing that I have reached readers living in 192 countries is tremendously gratifying. The number of compliments and polite expressions of praise and admiration that I have received validate my efforts to encourage a worldwide dialogue on children and adoption issues."